A smile and true connection

Well, hello there!

The bullet points of a big character!

01 — The Portuguese Artist

Lisbon born, with an extended family of over 80 people - and we do get together for all the major celebrations. It’s a lot of people, a lot of food and a lot of laughs! - I moved to London in 2013 to study Musical Theatre (I had a previous BA in Environmental Health).

Since then I’ve spent contracts singing in resorts in idyllic locations, interviewed BIG names in the Formula 1 world (yes, I am a huge fan), sang 1940’s tunes and big venue modern music choir concerts, and worked in my favourite languages (I speak Portuguese, both in European and Brazilian accents, Spanish, Italian and of course, English).

I’ve been with a microphone, on stage and off, guaranteeing I deliver 100%. Every time.

02 — People person

And dog person to be honest. I was the crazy dog lady (trademarked by my own boyfriend), who carried dog treats in my purse, even before welcoming Mabel, the whippet, to my life. I am now devoted to her, and will share her treats with other dogs (but always give her extra, so she knows she is my absolute fave)!

The only place she is not allowed in is my booth. That’s where I dedicate myself fully to every project, audition, or fun practice recording I do.

03 — Forever dancing with my inner child

Dancing, playing, dreaming. I will look forward to animation movie releases, excitedly play and watch others play video games, be the best auntie ever because I do ALL the voices when telling stories or playing pretend. I guess I can say I found the greatest way to use all the voices in my head by becoming an actress.

My range can get a myriad of projects’ voice out there, from a relatable easygoing friend, to a quirky character and the sassy or sultry sprinkle you sometimes need.

04 — Marketing and Coaching

From a young age I knew I wanted 2 things out of life: to perform and to help people. I’m hardwired to help you find the voice your brand needs. I’m the happiest on stage/set or behind a mic.

And when the pandemic striped us of most of those opportunities, and I couldn’t share my talents, I created a platform where I could help people be Confident on Camera. Delivering workshops, facilitating courses, coaching 1 on 1 (via zoom, obviously) and creating content that lives on to help those who find themselves anxious when it’s time to speak up.

But I wanted more (the bug of always wanting more is strong with this one), so late 2023 I enrolled in extra certifications in Digital Marketing, Google Analytics and others and am now qualified to help you not only deliver the voice you need, but find it and create it.

Olá! Hello!
¡Hola! Ciao!

We will find your voice and bring it to life, together.

Check what I can do for you now